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TIST Schedule

Healing the Fragmented Selves: 
Using Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment (TIST) to Treat Unsafe and Addictive Behavior in Clients with Histories of Trauma
A four-part training with Janina Fisher, PhD beginning September 2021

Janina Fisher, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist and former instructor, Harvard Medical School. An international expert on the treatment of trauma, she is the author of Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors: Overcoming Self-Alienation (2017), Transforming the Living Legacy of Trauma: a Workbook for Survivors and Therapists (2021) and The Living Legacy of Trauma Flip Chart: a Psychoeducational In-Session Tool for Clients and Therapists (in press). She is best known for her work on integrating newer neurobiologically-informed interventions into traditional psychotherapy approaches. Dr. Fisher has also developed her own trauma-informed treatment model, Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment or TIST, designed for severe trauma-related issues such as Complex PTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder.  More information can be found on her website.

Over the course of this training, participants will learn to:

  • Describe the neurobiological and psychological responses of human beings to traumatic events
  • Differentiate implicit and explicit memories of trauma
  • Identify signs and symptoms of fragmentation and internal conflict
  • Educate clients to make sense of their trauma-related symptoms as trauma-related responses
  • Help clients increase mindful interest in emotions and impulses
  • Identify manifestations of fragmented parts of the self
  • Re-interpret unsafe behavior as driven by trauma-related survival defense responses
  • Describe the five animal defense survival responses
  • Articulate client symptoms indicative of traumatic activation
  • Identify self-destructive impulses as ego state responses
  • Educate clients to mindfully notice unsafe impulses without acting on them
  • Describe the biological aims of unsafe behavior
  • Define disorganized attachment as a consequence of trauma
  • Educate clients to mindfully notice disorganized attachment responses
  • Summarize somatic, visualization, and ego state techniques for regulating survival and traumatic attachment responses